The purpose of these guidelines is to set clear expectations when engaging with the Office of the State Inspector General (OSIG) using social media.
OSIG will listen, share and educate on Twitter under @VaOSIG, and LinkedIn, under Virginia Office of the State Inspector General.
Our social media responses will follow OSIG office hours, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, and Commonwealth of Virginia holiday and observance schedules. OSIG will strive to acknowledge or respond to questions within 48 hours.
OSIG will engage with all followers - as long as a post does not contain:
In addition, OSIG reserves the right to delete or hide comments that:
Any of the aforementioned posts will be removed, and if warranted, forwarded to the appropriate authorities.
In order to keep our site fresh and aligned with current communications initiatives, OSIG will manage outdated posts and comments on a regular basis.
Currently, OSIG is using Twitter and LinkedIn to engage. If it appears that OSIG is engaging in outlets not previously mentioned - it is not OSIG. Please do not engage or attempt to contact @VirginiaOSIG on other social media platforms.
External posts and comments expressed on this site do not reflect the opinions or position of OSIG. Questions concerning the operation of this moderated discussion should be directed to OSIG Communications, 804-625-3255 or
Information submitted via social media is not secure and is susceptible to spam, hacking, etc. If a follower posts personal information on our social media page, he/she accepts the responsibility and risk.
Finally, please remember that any communications made through social media outlets do not constitute a legal or official notice or comment. If you need to contact us, please use one of these appropriate channels.