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Complaint Form

Fraud, Waste and Abuse Complaint Form

Please remember that ALL information you provide is kept strictly confidential and only used for investigative purposes.

Please provide as much detail as possible to ensure we can do a thorough investigation. 

Please also remember that the Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline only investigates allegations involving state business and does not investigate:

  • Matters Involving Personnel Issues or Grievances
  • Legislative and Judicial Branches of State Government.
  • Any Federal, County, or Municipal Officials, Boards, Governing Bodies or Agencies.
  • Private Entities or Organizations

Please complete the information below.  If you choose to remain anonymous, please leave your name and contact information blank.

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If further assistance is needed to complete this form or you wish to report your allegations over the telephone, please contact our confidential Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline at 1-800-723-1615.

To follow-up on a previously reported allegation or add additionally information to a current investigation, please contact our Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline during normal business hours.

If you wish to submit your allegation(s) via US Postal Mail, please print a copy of this form and mail to:

Office of the State Inspector General
James Monroe Building
P.O. Box 1151
Richmond, VA 23218