Can FOIA requests be made for State Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Hotline (Hotline) cases?
Upon request, documentation may be provided for Hotline FOIA requests following the FOIA guidelines found in Code of Virginia Title 2.2 Administration of Government, Chapter 37—Virginia Freedom of Information Act.
To make a Hotline FOIA request, please contact the State Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Hotline Coordinator using one of the following methods.
A case number is not required to have a Hotline FOIA request fulfilled; however, a case number may be helpful for locating the desired documents or records. As with an OSIG FOIA request, a Hotline FOIA request must identify the desired records with “reasonable specificity.”
More information about FOIA is available in Code of Virginia Chapter 37—Virginia Freedom of Information Act, by visiting the Virginia Freedom of Information Advisory Council website, and by visiting the OSIG page.